Saturday, July 23, 2022

Recent Short Story Publications


Celebratorily vibing with my wife 

Hey. It's been a minute. A minute of such drama and duration that all the cool kids have been sucked away to Substack, and my lonely antique blog has been exposed for what it is: a sad antique. 

We do not care! We soldier on! 

Below are some links containing recent publications. I'm trying to play it cool (like the cool kids mentioned earlier) but the truth is that these are my very first pubs -- or pubs of fiction, I should say. 

The first, a story called "Some News," appears in the second-ever issue of The Champagne Room. You can purchase a copy of this women-run, print-only journal right here:

The second is a story called "End of an Acquaintance." It appears online -- for free! -- in The Courtship of Winds. You can read that one here: